All About Sectional Sofas
Sectional sofas dubai have risen in popularity in the past decade. They are often confused with regular sofas. The main difference between sectionals and regular sofas lies in their extent of customization. Sectional sofas abu dhabi are also known as family sofas because they are designed to accommodate more people.
The need to accommodate more than two or three people gave rise to sectional sofas. As evident with the name, different sections are combined to create this furniture. Apart from the common features of sofas, several new additions are made to suit every person’s style and comfort.
Different varieties of sectional sofas
Sectional sofas dubai are in-demand these days. The comfort, design, and customization potential have been the reason for attraction. Several styles are present in the market to match individual requirements.
L-shaped: These sectional sofas abu dhabi include a chaise, this piece provides extra legroom for anyone to recline or sit. A house that has small rooms would fit these sofas perfectly. With optimization in the arrangement, it can make a room more spacious.
Curved: With a curved sectional, you can entertain all people without making anyone feel left out in a corner. These are a great piece to invest in, as they give a more classy and royal feel to the room.
- U-shaped: This style is a perfect combination of both the above styles. It is less curved and adds increased space in the room. These are bulkier in size and look great in a big living room.
What do we offer?
You will find several options and designs at our store that would make you buy one right away. Here are some of the most popular pieces available at Risala Carpentry.
- Jackson Everest sectional sofa
This sectional sofa dubai radiates modern style and is typically big in size. These come with chaise loungers and ottomans. The complete set is made with synthetic textile and is available in brown tones. But we can customise it with any colour of your liking.
- Broyhill Laramie sectional
If your style has a combination of classic and western design, then our Broyhill Laramie sectional is the one for you. It is a standard sectional sofa abu dhabi packed with all the basic features.
- Klaussner Drew sectional sofa
This furniture would give your room a graceful look. You can choose your favourite colour among different options. The sofa comes with hand-made cushions and other features. You can choose to add a chaise lounge or sofa to give it a different and cosy look.
- Catnapper Cortez sofa sectional
This is an affordable sofa option for all leather lovers. This sofa includes a footrest and works as a recliner too. This comfortable sofa would take away all of your back pain when you anchor on it.
- Broyhill Veronica sectional
Our Broyhill Veronica sectional would give your house a sophisticated look. It is a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional styles that gives the sofa a modern-day look with hints of traditional style. We will assist you in choosing the perfect pieces to create a one-of-a-kind look.
This list doesn’t end here. Risala Carpentry has many more options waiting for you to get a notice. Visit our store to find your perfect sectional sofa dubai.